Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Chelsea Jamison
Amazing Training

I’m 4 weeks into this training, and so far it’s been a wonderful experience. I have always had an interest in facilitating cacao ceremonies but wasn’t sure where to start. The information shared in this course is absolutely fantastic. Soul Lift Cacao is also a beautiful brand, offering the best quality ceremonial cacao I’ve ever had. I highly recommend.

Better with Every Bite

Where do I begin…

I’m a yoga teacher and sound bath practitioner. I was looking for something to add to the toolkit because, as Nick also says, each person needs a different medicine and I thought it would be lovely if I had something else in the bag to offer. Here is how it’s going:

The first sip… “Okay, why is he speaking so slowly?…Weeeell…Why exactly do I need a faster delivery? Where do I need to be anyway? What would be the point of speeding up intake? Ah, the judge is here. Salty. Let’s take a seat, shall we?” Already a lesson within the lesson.

Second sip… “Oh, that’s rich! Complex, yet simple and refined.” Nick addresses his vagueness. It’s intentional. He offers the science and history very concisely and thoroughly. Bites just big enough for you to chew on and respond to in a slow, meaningful way so you actually synthesize the experience and information.

Third sip… “Aw, THIS is the good s$@$% (stuff)! I think Nick might BE the cacao. Lol. Incidentally, the answer to why he speaks at the speed he does is in the third sip/module. And it makes complete sense. This is what it feels like to be aware of someone holding space for you while showing you how to hold space. The magic is unfolding with each taste.

That is pretty much the basic representation of how the modules are progressing for me. I’ve just finished the videos for the third module. Each one has hit different parts of me a lot like taste hits the different parts of the tongue—sometimes bitter, sometimes meaty/umami, sometimes sweet, etc., but like a good cacao, the quality, complexity and clarity come through. The information is comprehensive and “full,” but never overwhelming. They're explored more deeply and intimately through the exercises assigned after each module. I think of it as "therapeutic discomfort" (also addressed in a module). You know how it is, the way a long held yin yoga pose feels-- a little painful from atrophy and in need of attention or like discovering a muscle you forgot you even had. Still sitting with the memory of the first three modules, but very much looking forward to the next sip when the fourth is unlocked. Cheers!

Michael Chrobak
Perfect example of conscious ceremonial facilitation

This course is definitely worth the price of admission. I found myself resonating deeply with the philosophies Nick shares, and found the first three modules to be highly impactful in terms of setting the right mindset to enter into the role of ceremonial facilitator. I have completed the first half of the program as of this review, and find the ‘how to’ nature of the middle section of the program to be very helpful, especially for anyone who has not experienced creating or hosting live events. I highly look forward to the last four weeks, as the titles of those modules feel very much aligned to what I wanted to learn in this program.

Charlotte Dean
A worthwhile investment for people of all spiritual backgrounds

This 10 week experience deepened my relationship with ceremonial cacao, with the cacao community at large, and with my own budding spiritual framework. I learned not just how to create sacred containers for others, but how to foster moments of reverence just for me, so that my cup is actually full enough for others to drink from. Nick is a flexible and adept educator with a keen understanding of how everyone's approach to spirituality differs, which makes this course material easily applicable to many traditions, many walks of life, and many communities. Avoiding cultural appropriation is a fine line to walk; Nick's years of experience working directly with indigenous Guatemalan communities allowed him to find that delicate balance between giving thanks and paying homage, and creating his own ceremonies that allow Mayan tradition to stay unique to the Mayan lineage. The producers of Soul Lift's cacao want their medicine spread far and wide, but enjoying their generosity ethically and authentically is up to us.

The very concept of a "ceremony" is deconstructed into its component parts and parallels are drawn between all traditions; in truth, all any ceremony boils down to is some combination of community, symbolism, breathwork, movement, music, sharing, and reverence. It's just an opportunity to ground our energy and re-connect to our both our innermost self and our highest intuition, and it can happen either alone in our bedrooms or in a room full of people. Nick challenged us to approach our outward expression of spirituality as a creative outlet, and to delve into the influences, be they cultural, environmental, or spiritual, that have already shaped us individually. We learned how essential it is to honor our own lifelong journeys before assisting others in theirs. Staying true to ourselves is the best and only way to show up authentically for other seekers who come to us for ceremony, and cacao is nothing if not the medicine of TRUTH. If you are at all curious about ceremonial cacao, about holding ceremony, about articulating your spiritual framework to the world, or all of the above, this course, is highly, highly recommended. Endless gratitude for Nick, his healing vision, and his unstoppable work ethic! You are truly doing God's work...

Elise Thomson
Comprehensive learning experience

I very much enjoyed the 10-week Cacao Powered Facilitator Course. I came in with a basic knowledge of ceremonial cacao and finished feeling confident and excited to incorporate ceremonial cacao into my life and healing practices. This course provides an overview into the many facets of cacao, including nutritional benefits, plant spirit medicine and energetics as well as introduces one to the principles of group facilitation that lead to creating and holding safe containers and experiences.
I was especially grateful for the conversations around ethical practices with using and sourcing cacao, and am happy to have found a company like Soul Lift Cacao! I look forward to many more cups of cacao and to sharing this beautiful medicine with others.
Thank you, Nick!!

El facilitador impulsado por el cacao: curso autoguiado de 10 semanas

¿Has oído hablar del potencial mágico del cacao ceremonial y te preguntas de qué se trata? ¿O lo ha experimentado usted mismo y quiere aprender a compartirlo con los demás?

En este viaje épico de 10 semanas, entrarás en un crisol diseñado para ayudarte a avanzar en tu camino como facilitador de experiencias del cacao.

Eso podría significar que serás el anfitrión de ceremonias. O podría significar que agregará cacao a las clases de yoga, grupos de hombres, eventos de baile, su masaje o práctica de Reiki, lo incorporará a su organización o lo compartirá con amigos y familiares.

El camino de cada uno parece diferente. Este curso lo ayudará a descubrir su camino único con la guía de un instructor experto, el fundador de Soul Lift Cacao, Nick Meador.

Este curso adopta un enfoque práctico y realista para trabajar con cacao de una manera ética y responsable.

A lo largo de las 10 semanas, cubrirá todos los aspectos de la facilitación, desde una idea para una reunión, hasta logística y promoción, preparación y servicio del cacao, oratoria y liderazgo, ética y seguridad, etc. Tendrá la oportunidad de trabajar bloqueos con ejercicios autodirigidos.


1) La filosofía de facilitación transformacional y mantenimiento de espacios seguros

2) Autodesarrollo como líder y orador público en una era compleja

3) Llevar el cacao a un contexto moderno de curación y autodesarrollo mientras se "devuelve" a través del reconocimiento y el pago.

Haga clic para ver el esquema completo del curso (descarga PDF)


Nick pasó años viajando por Centroamérica conectándose con granjas, colectivos y expertos de cacao. Y ha estado capacitando a personas para que compartan cacao por su cuenta desde 2017.

Además de eso, Nick ha estado en un camino de facilitación transformacional durante casi una década. Se ha formado en diversas tradiciones, escuelas y linajes para la curación y el autodesarrollo, y busca los principios y dinámicas que los unen.

Si bien el cacao es una planta aliada suave y no existe acreditación o certificación internacional para trabajar con cacao, es muy importante recibir capacitación de un experto antes de compartir cacao en un taller o ceremonia. ¡Ésta es tu oportunidad!


"Me gustaría decir que realmente disfruté su curso de capacitación. Descubrí que recibí mucha más experiencia y conocimiento sobre la ceremonia del cacao y la producción del cacao y el cacao en sí. Me encanta el recorrido virtual que incluyó. Sinceramente, aprendí más de este que el curso anterior que tomé. Así que gracias. Me siento un poco más seguro que antes al responder las preguntas que parecen surgir durante las ceremonias.

"Una vez más, muchas gracias. Sinceramente, aprecio mucho el curso que organizaste y te agradezco que compartas este conocimiento". - Jenn (Saskatchewan, Canadá)


El cacao es la forma natural y sin procesar de chocolate que se cultiva en las regiones tropicales de todo el mundo. La mayoría de la gente conoce el cacao como un superalimento. Tiene posiblemente la mayor cantidad de antioxidantes de cualquier alimento. El cacao contiene minerales beneficiosos como el hierro y el magnesio. Y el principal compuesto activo, la teobromina, proporciona un impulso de energía sin el bajón o los antojos que pueden surgir del café.

Sin embargo, el cacao también tiene otro aspecto del que no se habla en las tiendas naturistas. Las leyendas hablan de antiguas civilizaciones mesoamericanas que utilizaban el cacao con fines introspectivos y de celebración, lo llamaban el "alimento de los dioses" e incluso lo comercializaban como moneda. Este lado más misterioso del cacao como "medicina vegetal" ofrece el potencial de ponerte más en contacto con tu cuerpo y tu alma. Puede obtener información sobre la mejor dirección a seguir, así como el enfoque y la motivación para actuar hacia esos objetivos.

¡Te sorprenderá lo rápido que puedes aprender a preparar y servir cacao para que tus clientes y miembros de la comunidad puedan experimentar un impacto positivo en sus vidas!

NOTA: Este no es un curso sobre prácticas ceremoniales indígenas, historia antigua o la Cosmovisión Maya. Este curso trata de facilitar talleres modernos con el cacao ceremonial como aliado. Nick trabaja en colaboración con guías mayas para ayudarlos a preservar sus tradiciones y valores espirituales. Esto también sucede al obtener cacao ceremonial a través del comercio directo ético que apoya a los preparadores indígenas de cacao más que en los modelos de elaboración de chocolate "del grano a la barra". De esta manera, podemos utilizar el cacao en un contexto moderno con respeto e integridad, a través de una transmisión ética de elementos culturales que retribuyan en forma de reconocimiento y pago.


• Vídeo de introducción y 10 módulos semanales de vídeos (aproximadamente 1 hora de contenido por módulo), desbloqueados una semana a la vez. HAGA CLIC PARA VER EL ESQUEMA COMPLETO DEL CURSO

• Recorridos por las prácticas de encarnación y comunicación que usted puede dirigir (incluidas demostraciones experienciales de las prácticas de encarnación)

• Ejercicios en cada módulo para el autodesarrollo y profundización de tu conexión con el cacao.

• Dos bloques (de 1 libra cada uno) de pasta de cacao ceremonial Corazón de la Tierra (Ruk'u'x Ulew) (envío de cortesía en los EE. UU.; envío internacional con descuento): ¡ un valor de casi $100!

• La Guía para Facilitadores de Cacao de Soul Lift de 19 páginas en formato PDF: ¡valorada en $11!

• Certificado de finalización al final del curso (requisitos: ver todos los videos y completar todos los ejercicios)


• Entrada al grupo Soul Lift Cacao Members Lounge en Facebook, un recurso privado disponible solo para otros facilitadores que han realizado nuestras capacitaciones.



Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Chelsea Jamison
Amazing Training

I’m 4 weeks into this training, and so far it’s been a wonderful experience. I have always had an interest in facilitating cacao ceremonies but wasn’t sure where to start. The information shared in this course is absolutely fantastic. Soul Lift Cacao is also a beautiful brand, offering the best quality ceremonial cacao I’ve ever had. I highly recommend.

Better with Every Bite

Where do I begin…

I’m a yoga teacher and sound bath practitioner. I was looking for something to add to the toolkit because, as Nick also says, each person needs a different medicine and I thought it would be lovely if I had something else in the bag to offer. Here is how it’s going:

The first sip… “Okay, why is he speaking so slowly?…Weeeell…Why exactly do I need a faster delivery? Where do I need to be anyway? What would be the point of speeding up intake? Ah, the judge is here. Salty. Let’s take a seat, shall we?” Already a lesson within the lesson.

Second sip… “Oh, that’s rich! Complex, yet simple and refined.” Nick addresses his vagueness. It’s intentional. He offers the science and history very concisely and thoroughly. Bites just big enough for you to chew on and respond to in a slow, meaningful way so you actually synthesize the experience and information.

Third sip… “Aw, THIS is the good s$@$% (stuff)! I think Nick might BE the cacao. Lol. Incidentally, the answer to why he speaks at the speed he does is in the third sip/module. And it makes complete sense. This is what it feels like to be aware of someone holding space for you while showing you how to hold space. The magic is unfolding with each taste.

That is pretty much the basic representation of how the modules are progressing for me. I’ve just finished the videos for the third module. Each one has hit different parts of me a lot like taste hits the different parts of the tongue—sometimes bitter, sometimes meaty/umami, sometimes sweet, etc., but like a good cacao, the quality, complexity and clarity come through. The information is comprehensive and “full,” but never overwhelming. They're explored more deeply and intimately through the exercises assigned after each module. I think of it as "therapeutic discomfort" (also addressed in a module). You know how it is, the way a long held yin yoga pose feels-- a little painful from atrophy and in need of attention or like discovering a muscle you forgot you even had. Still sitting with the memory of the first three modules, but very much looking forward to the next sip when the fourth is unlocked. Cheers!

Michael Chrobak
Perfect example of conscious ceremonial facilitation

This course is definitely worth the price of admission. I found myself resonating deeply with the philosophies Nick shares, and found the first three modules to be highly impactful in terms of setting the right mindset to enter into the role of ceremonial facilitator. I have completed the first half of the program as of this review, and find the ‘how to’ nature of the middle section of the program to be very helpful, especially for anyone who has not experienced creating or hosting live events. I highly look forward to the last four weeks, as the titles of those modules feel very much aligned to what I wanted to learn in this program.

Charlotte Dean
A worthwhile investment for people of all spiritual backgrounds

This 10 week experience deepened my relationship with ceremonial cacao, with the cacao community at large, and with my own budding spiritual framework. I learned not just how to create sacred containers for others, but how to foster moments of reverence just for me, so that my cup is actually full enough for others to drink from. Nick is a flexible and adept educator with a keen understanding of how everyone's approach to spirituality differs, which makes this course material easily applicable to many traditions, many walks of life, and many communities. Avoiding cultural appropriation is a fine line to walk; Nick's years of experience working directly with indigenous Guatemalan communities allowed him to find that delicate balance between giving thanks and paying homage, and creating his own ceremonies that allow Mayan tradition to stay unique to the Mayan lineage. The producers of Soul Lift's cacao want their medicine spread far and wide, but enjoying their generosity ethically and authentically is up to us.

The very concept of a "ceremony" is deconstructed into its component parts and parallels are drawn between all traditions; in truth, all any ceremony boils down to is some combination of community, symbolism, breathwork, movement, music, sharing, and reverence. It's just an opportunity to ground our energy and re-connect to our both our innermost self and our highest intuition, and it can happen either alone in our bedrooms or in a room full of people. Nick challenged us to approach our outward expression of spirituality as a creative outlet, and to delve into the influences, be they cultural, environmental, or spiritual, that have already shaped us individually. We learned how essential it is to honor our own lifelong journeys before assisting others in theirs. Staying true to ourselves is the best and only way to show up authentically for other seekers who come to us for ceremony, and cacao is nothing if not the medicine of TRUTH. If you are at all curious about ceremonial cacao, about holding ceremony, about articulating your spiritual framework to the world, or all of the above, this course, is highly, highly recommended. Endless gratitude for Nick, his healing vision, and his unstoppable work ethic! You are truly doing God's work...

Elise Thomson
Comprehensive learning experience

I very much enjoyed the 10-week Cacao Powered Facilitator Course. I came in with a basic knowledge of ceremonial cacao and finished feeling confident and excited to incorporate ceremonial cacao into my life and healing practices. This course provides an overview into the many facets of cacao, including nutritional benefits, plant spirit medicine and energetics as well as introduces one to the principles of group facilitation that lead to creating and holding safe containers and experiences.
I was especially grateful for the conversations around ethical practices with using and sourcing cacao, and am happy to have found a company like Soul Lift Cacao! I look forward to many more cups of cacao and to sharing this beautiful medicine with others.
Thank you, Nick!!

Verified Reviews