Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
So much info

There is so much cool info in this intro course that I’m curious to learn what else we could learn! The cacao is also delicious!

We're glad you loved the course and the cacao!

michelle boback
Perfect addition

This course was perfect. I have multiple modality trainings (yoga, reiki, hypnotherapy etc) and love blending in new ones! I am super excited to add cacao to my ceremonies and events. This was a great course for facilitators that already know how to hold space. If I was new to holding space, I would take the 10 week course, because this isn't enough for a first timer....but it's perfect for a practicing practitioner/healer/therapist etc.

Amber Moon
Well Done

I really appreciated how well put together this course is. I found everything to be really informative and easy to understand. I was very interested in learning about the process of cacao from pod to cup and I really wanted to understand a little of the history of cacao, as well as the proper way to mindfully prepare it. This course did not disappoint and I’m grateful for all the topics that were covered as well as the mission behind the company.

Claudia Miller
Informative, culturally respectful and interesting

Thanks Nick!

Adriana Esquer
Easy to understand and respectful to the culture!

I was really skeptical of purchasing this class. The Cacao Ceremonies have become very trendy in the wellness community. It seems like people from outside that culture, attend a ceremony and then all of a sudden they are a facilitator.

I’ve been on a journey with connecting to my Mexican ancestors (I’m half white and Mexican) more so of the Huichol and Cora indigenous people. For the past 2 years I’ve been personally practicing Cacao rituals. As a biracial person, I never felt accepted in my Mexican side with family/community, because I was told I was “too white” or “not a real Mexican”, especially since I don’t speak Spanish (due to back in the day, doctors saying that it would confuse my autistic brother) Cacao has made me feel whole to my Mexican roots and spiritually feeling more closer to who I am and my ancestors.

I really wanted to find a class just to help give me some ideas on holding a ceremony, but also give me information to help understand the science behind cacao, especially with my dyslexic brain. This course was absolutely outstanding and I really admire the fact that the educator discussed about cultural appropriation and encouraged to respect the history of Cacao, the people, and the lands. 🙏🙏

Thanks for the kind words, Adriana! I'm so glad you got a lot out of the course. Take care. -Nick

Cours de formation d’introduction au cacao

Avez-vous entendu parler du potentiel magique du cacao de cérémonie et vous vous demandez de quoi il s'agit ? Ou l’avez-vous vécu par vous-même et souhaitez-vous apprendre à le partager avec les autres ?

Le fondateur de Soul Lift Cacao, Nick Meador, a cultivé son expertise au fil des années de travail avec le cacao, de voyages dans des fermes de cacao, de rencontres avec des experts et de recherches... ainsi que de nombreuses années avant cette formation et recherche sur diverses traditions spirituelles et modalités de maintien de l'espace pour développement personnel.

Si vous souhaitez incorporer le cacao dans vos cours, ateliers ou soirées conscientes (pratiques incluant le yoga, la respiration, la danse extatique, etc.), ou même dans votre pratique de massage ou de Reiki, nous vous proposons de nombreuses options différentes pour répondre à vos besoins uniques.

Ce cours convient bien à ceux qui ont déjà une certaine formation et expérience dans la gestion d’espaces sacrés. Mais c'est aussi idéal pour tous ceux qui souhaitent simplement en savoir plus sur le cacao cérémonial.


Le cacao est une forme naturelle et non transformée de chocolat cultivé dans les régions tropicales du monde entier. La plupart des gens connaissent le cacao comme un superaliment. Il contient probablement la plus grande quantité d’antioxydants de tous les aliments. Le cacao contient des minéraux bénéfiques comme le fer et le magnésium. Et le principal composé actif, la théobromine, donne un regain d'énergie sans les crises ni les fringales provoquées par la caféine (qui est en fait très rare dans le cacao).

Mais le cacao a aussi un autre aspect dont on ne parle pas dans les magasins de produits naturels. Les légendes racontent que d’anciennes civilisations mésoaméricaines utilisaient le cacao à des fins introspectives et festives, l’appelant la « nourriture des dieux » et l’échangeant même comme monnaie d’échange. Ce côté « médecine végétale » plus mystérieux du cacao offre le potentiel de vous mettre davantage en contact avec votre corps et votre âme. Vous pouvez avoir un aperçu de la meilleure direction à prendre pour aller de l’avant, ainsi que de la concentration et de la motivation nécessaires pour agir pour atteindre ces objectifs.

Vous serez étonné de la rapidité avec laquelle vous pourrez apprendre à préparer et à servir du cacao afin que vos clients et les membres de votre communauté puissent ressentir un impact positif dans leur vie !


  • Visite virtuelle d'une ferme de cacao
  • Équipement pour un événement cacao
  • Préparation du cacao
  • Servir le cacao
  • Mener un simple rituel de cacao
  • Éthique et responsabilité


  • 7 vidéos de cours totalisant près de 75 minutes
  • Bloc de 1/2 lb de cacao cérémonial Heart of the Earth (expédition aux États-Unis incluse ; expédition internationale à prix réduit)
  • Le guide de facilitation Soul Lift Cacao (livre électronique de 18 pages)
  • Entrée au Soul Lift Cacao Members Lounge, un groupe privé sur Facebook
  • Certificat d'achèvement après avoir réussi un quiz final (réussite = 70 % ou plus)


65 $

Actuellement en vente au prix de 55$ !

Collections: Produits numériques

Catégorie: intro_cacao_training_course, membership_product, orderify-disabled

Types de produits: Digital

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
So much info

There is so much cool info in this intro course that I’m curious to learn what else we could learn! The cacao is also delicious!

We're glad you loved the course and the cacao!

michelle boback
Perfect addition

This course was perfect. I have multiple modality trainings (yoga, reiki, hypnotherapy etc) and love blending in new ones! I am super excited to add cacao to my ceremonies and events. This was a great course for facilitators that already know how to hold space. If I was new to holding space, I would take the 10 week course, because this isn't enough for a first timer....but it's perfect for a practicing practitioner/healer/therapist etc.

Amber Moon
Well Done

I really appreciated how well put together this course is. I found everything to be really informative and easy to understand. I was very interested in learning about the process of cacao from pod to cup and I really wanted to understand a little of the history of cacao, as well as the proper way to mindfully prepare it. This course did not disappoint and I’m grateful for all the topics that were covered as well as the mission behind the company.

Claudia Miller
Informative, culturally respectful and interesting

Thanks Nick!

Adriana Esquer
Easy to understand and respectful to the culture!

I was really skeptical of purchasing this class. The Cacao Ceremonies have become very trendy in the wellness community. It seems like people from outside that culture, attend a ceremony and then all of a sudden they are a facilitator.

I’ve been on a journey with connecting to my Mexican ancestors (I’m half white and Mexican) more so of the Huichol and Cora indigenous people. For the past 2 years I’ve been personally practicing Cacao rituals. As a biracial person, I never felt accepted in my Mexican side with family/community, because I was told I was “too white” or “not a real Mexican”, especially since I don’t speak Spanish (due to back in the day, doctors saying that it would confuse my autistic brother) Cacao has made me feel whole to my Mexican roots and spiritually feeling more closer to who I am and my ancestors.

I really wanted to find a class just to help give me some ideas on holding a ceremony, but also give me information to help understand the science behind cacao, especially with my dyslexic brain. This course was absolutely outstanding and I really admire the fact that the educator discussed about cultural appropriation and encouraged to respect the history of Cacao, the people, and the lands. 🙏🙏

Thanks for the kind words, Adriana! I'm so glad you got a lot out of the course. Take care. -Nick

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