How to Make a Cup of Ceremonial Cacao

How to Make a Cup of Ceremonial Cacao

We know that starting a relationship with authentic ceremonial cacao can be a little intimidating.

But many people discover that, once they get over the first step of learning how to make a cup, the rest is easy!

This video explains how to make cacao with modern equipment. Yet it can still be a meditative process that invites moments of reflection and deep breaths.

Equipment needed:

• Ceremonial cacao paste (find it on our Shop

• Cutting board

• Chef's knife

• Kitchen scale (at least 1 gram increments)

• Bowl and spoon

• Kettle (electric/precision temp if desired) 

• Blender (*SEE NOTE BELOW)

• Your favorite mug!

And make sure to read about our cacao facilitator trainings where you can learn how to share cacao in your self-development classes or private practice.

*NOTE: ONLY USE A BLENDER WITH A SOFT/FLEXIBLE LID (LIKE A VITAMIX). When using a hard-shell blender with hot liquid, pressure can build up and the blender can explode. If you use any kind of blender, please use extreme caution with hot water and make sure your blender lid is fully secured.

As another option for emulsifying the cacao butter, try a portable frother or a wooden molinillo.

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